Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Putting My Money Where My Weight Is

I've gone all crazy this year!  Ok - not really but kind of for me.  I decided to join the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans Weightloss challenge and with that Diet Bet.  Ever heard of it?  Me either!!!

So basically, you pay $25 to join.  Then you weigh in (based on their guidelines) and if you lose 4% of your body weight within the challenge deadline - you get paid from the pot.  I don't have to lose a whole lot to win a share but I can't be lazy either.


  1. Start juicing and eating vegan again.  
  2. Exercise daily.
  3. Use my dehydrator at least once a month.


  1. The expense of a vegan diet and the complicated aspect of the same.  
  2. Making time for exercise and cookng.
  3. Keeping my energy levels up for all of the above.

I'm considering the Fluidity Fitness program.  If anyone knows anything about it or has experience with it - let me know.  I'd be interested to hear if it is as good as it seems.  It looks like it would be really good for my back.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're joining us for the DietBet challenge, Laura! Be sure to stop by our website too, for more motivation and fun :) www.shrinkingjeans.net

